I am in a real bad state of mind. Somebody save me please. I experience a lot of dilemma with exponential equations, roots and factoring polynomials and especially with addition and subtraction of polynomials and factoring. I need to show some rapid recovery in my math. I read there are many Software Tools available online which helps you in algebra. I can spend some money too for an effective and inexpensive tool which helps me with my studies. Any reference is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I maybe able to help you if you can be more specific and give more details about addition and subtraction of polynomials and factoring. A right computer program would be best option rather than a algebra tutor. After trying a number of program I found the Algebrator to be the best I have so far found . It solves any algebra problem that you may want solved. It also clarifies all the steps (of the solution). You can just copy it as your homework . However, you should use it to learn math , and simply not use it to copy answers.
I have used a number of programs to grapple with my difficulties with graphing inequalities, least common measure and side-side-side similarity. Of them, my experience with Algebrator has been the most excellent . All I needed to do was to just key in the problem. Punch the solve key. The response showed up almost right away with an easy to comprehend steps showing how to get the answer. It was simply too straight forward. Since then I have depended on this Algebrator for my problems with Intermediate algebra, College Algebra and Remedial Algebra. I would highly urge you to try out Algebrator.
Algebrator is a very remarkable product and is definitely worth a try. You will find many interesting stuff there. I use it as reference software for my math problems and can say that it has made learning math more enjoyable.
Thanks for the detailed instructions, this seems awesome. I wanted something just like Algebrator, because I don't want a program which only solves the exercise and gives the final result, I want something that can really show me how the exercise has to be solved. That way I can learn it and after that solve it on my own, not just copy the answers . Where can I find the software?