I have a couple of problems based on worksheets for fractions. decimals and integers I have tried a lot to solve them myself but in vain. Our professor has asked us to figure them out ourselves and then present them to the entire class. I reckon that I will be chosen to do so. Please guide me!
Algebrator is a real gem that can aid you with Algebra 1. Since I was not strong in Pre Algebra, one of my class instructors suggested me to try the Algebrator and based on his suggestion , I looked for it online, bought it and began using it. It was just exceptional . If you sincerely follow each and every example offered there on Basic Math, you would master the primary principles of rational expressions and linear inequalities within hours.
Yes I agree, Algebrator is a really useful tool. I bought it a few months back and I can say that it is the main reason I am passing my math class. I have recommended it to my friends and they too find it very useful. I strongly recommend it to help you with your math homework.
Algebrator is a very great product and is definitely worth a try. You will also find lot of exciting stuff there. I use it as reference software for my math problems and can say that it has made learning math much more enjoyable.