Hello math wiz. I am in deep trouble . I simply don’t know whom to approach. You know, I am having difficulties with my math and need immediate assistance with what is the greatest comon factor of 48 and 54. Anyone you know whom I can contact with logarithms, adding numerators and x-intercept? I tried hard to get a tutor, but failed . They are hard to find and also quite expensive . It’s also difficult to find someone fast enough and I have this assignment coming up. Any advice on what I should do? I would very much appreciate a fast response .
Hello dear, what is the greatest comon factor of 48 and 54 can be really difficult if your basics are not clear. I know this software, Algebrator which has helped many newbies clear their concepts. I have used this software a couple of times when I was in high school and I recommend it to every beginner.
Algebrator really helps you out in what is the greatest comon factor of 48 and 54. I have researched every Math software on the net. It is very logical. You just give your problem and it will generate a complete step-by-step report of the solution. This helped me much with mixed numbers, binomial formula and midpoint of a line. It helps you understand algebra better. I was tired of paying a lot of money to Maths Tutors who could not give me the sufficient time and attention. It is a worthful tool which could transform your entire attitude towards math. Using Algebrator would be a pleasure. Take it.
Thanks for the detailed information , this seems awesome. I wanted something exactly like Algebrator, because I don't want a software which only solves the exercise and shows the final result, I want something that can actually explain me how the exercise needs to be solved. That way I can learn it and next time solve it without any help , not just copy the answers . Where can I find the software?
A truly piece of algebra software is Algebrator. Even I faced similar problems while solving powers, roots and converting decimals. Just by typing in the problem from homework and clicking on Solve – and step by step solution to my math homework would be ready. I have used it through several algebra classes - Basic Math, Intermediate algebra and Pre Algebra. I highly recommend the program.